Our trainings include the following:
Stage I deployment
The Microsoft Digital Literacy – Standard curriculum
Computer Basics
The Internet and the World Wide Web
Productivity Programs (Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, SQL)
Computer Security and Privacy
Digital Lifestyles
Build Your First App
Graphic Design and Printing Services (InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator)
Computer repair and technical support
Stage II deployment
Dreamweaver / Web design and development (bootcamps)
Computer Programming (bootcamps)
Network administration and support
4. Sustainable Solutions
Our intent is to make the Digital Inclusion technique long-lasting and, hopefully even permanent. For this reason it is crucial to ensure that the Digital Inclusion is backed-up by several financial sources as well as a delivery framework that is not prone to any specific changes in the economic environment and even sustains itself through a weak financial situation. To us, sustainable, long-term solutions are the fundamental key to successfully encourage digital competencies in the underserved communities around the globe.
Revenues are hoped to be generated by providing printing services, which are in very short supply and high demand, and steadily develop local talents to include full graphic design, website design & animation, hardware repair as well as IT services for businesses.
5. Ensuring Accountability
For a Digital Inclusion Strategy to be effective, it must be easily tracked and monitored. Accountability is to any successful program. Consequently, we believe in being accountable to the stakeholders for everything we do is bound to certain significant metrics, which may be verified independently. Each of our programs features certain specific goals, objectives and timelines associated with it, so that they may be easily verified or examined, at any time needed.